
In the sub-Saharan African region, cosmetics present remarkable opportunities.

According to Aminata Thior, founder of Setalmaa, a consulting and research firm that recently released a report on the beauty and cosmetics market in French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa, skincare, natural hair products, major brand perfumes, and makeup products are the four most sought-after segments by consumers. Based on this study, the market is expected to reach […]

The Revolutionary Impact of Digitalisation on E-Commerce

Digitalisation has significantly transformed the way we live, and the e-commerce sector has not escaped this revolution. Today, we’re going to explore the profound impact of digitalisation on e-commerce, looking at how it has reshaped consumer habits, transformed businesses and redefined the shopping experience. 1- Changing buying habits: The ease of access to online platforms […]

Research and Consulting in Africa: what are the advantages for companies based there?

Africa is a booming continent, offering enormous opportunities for economic growth for companies. In this context, research and advice in Africa play a crucial role for the companies based there. In this article, we will explore the benefits that study and advice offer companies operating in Africa, highlighting opportunities for expansion, access to local knowledge, risk management […]

The benefits of advanced technology training for your employees and your business

In an ever-changing world dominated by technological advancements, advanced technology training has become an essential investment for companies wishing to remain competitive . In this article, we’ll explore the many benefits of advanced technology training for your employees and your business, with a focus on the opportunities it offers for innovation, operational efficiency and skills development. […]

The importance of data analysis to make informed decisions in your business

In the ever-changing business world, it has become essential to make informed decisions based on tangible facts. This is where data analytics comes in. Data analytics provides businesses with the ability to gather, interpret, and act on valuable insights from available data. In this article, we’ll explore the growing importance of data analytics in business […]

Cash Management Best Practices to Optimize Your Cash Flow

Effective cash management is an essential aspect of any successful business. Well-planned and organized cash management optimizes cash flows, improves liquidity and reduces financial risks. In this article, we’ll explore cash management best practices that can help your business achieve these goals. Establish an accurate cash flow forecast: Cash forecasting is the foundation of effective […]